吳權娟 助理教授
Assistant Professor Chyuan-Chuan Wu
English Main Page通訊地址: | 701 台南市大學路一號 |
連絡分機: | 5542(辦公室) 5524(實驗室) |
E-mail: | ccwu@gs.ncku.edu.tw |
國立台灣大學 博士 (2013)

本實驗室主要利用X射線蛋白質結晶學 (X-ray protein crystallography) 與單分子冷凍電子顯微鏡 (Single-particle cryo-EM),解析生物大分子的分子結構,藉此闡述分子結構與功能間的關係。研究興趣與專長包含:蛋白質與核酸之間的交互作用、蛋白質構型變化與功能調控、生物大分子複合體的組成、蛋白質與小分子藥物間的交互作用…等。目前本團隊主要的研究主題如下:
1. 人類粒線體基因組 (mtDNA) 的降解機制
受到損傷的mtDNA需要即時的被清除以維持其完整性與功能,若否,則突變將累積在其中,造成粒線體功能下降,此與老化、神經退化性疾病,急慢性發炎相關疾病呈正相關。人類的粒線體中有一負責降解受損mtDNA的複合體,在此稱之為mtDNA降解體 (mtDNA degradation machinery)。此複合體包含了DNA聚合酶γ,DNA解璇酶Twinkle與核酸外切酶MGME1,但這些分子是如何組成mtDNA降解體、個別的功能是如何執行與調控,均有許多未解之謎。本實驗室希望藉由了解mtDNA降解體運作的結構機轉,闡明受損mtDNA的清除機制,並進一步了解其與相關疾病發展的關係,以期對細胞老化及相關疾病的治療上,有所助益。
2. RNA甲基轉移酶之受質辨認機制
3. DDX41專一性辨認RNA/DNA hybrid之結構機制
DDX RNA解璇酶家族廣泛的參與在RNA的各種生合成與功能中,即便酵素催化活性相同,每一個成員在細胞中卻都有其功能的專一性。其中,DDX41於細胞質中能夠辨認外來核酸並活化免疫反應;在細胞核中,則能夠調節基因表現時所形成的R-loop的消長。在此兩種功能中,DDX41均展現了專一性結合至RNA/DNA hybrid區域的特性,然而,此特性背後的結構機制則仍是未知。為此,本研究目標解析人類DDX41與RNA/DNA hybrid結合之複合體分子結構,以期了解此RNA解璇酶功能的分子機轉。
- Chiu, H.P., Shen, C.H., Wu, J.K., Mao, E.Y.C., Yen, H.Y., Chang, Y.P., Wu, C.C.*, Fan H.F.* (2024) Nuclease-induced stepwise photodropping (NISP) to precisely investigate single-stranded DNA degradation behaviors of exonucleases and endonucleases. Nucleic Acids Res. 11;52(20):e97. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae822.
- Mao, E.Y.C., Yen, H.Y., Wu, C,C.* (2024) Structural basis of how MGME1 processes DNA 5' ends to maintain mitochondrial genome integrity. Nucleic Acids Res. Mar 12:gkae186. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae186.
- Wu, C.C., Lin, J.L.J., Yuan H.S.* (2020) Structures, Mechanisms, and Functions of His-Me Finger Nucleases. Trends Biochem Sci 45(11):935-946. doi: 10.1016/j.tibs.2020.07.002.
- Wu, C.C., Lin, J.L.J., Yang-Yen, H.F., and Yuan, H.S.* (2019) A unique exonuclease ExoG cleaves between RNA and DNA in mitochondrial DNA replication. Nucleic Acids Research 47:5405-5419. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz241.
- Chen, S.F., Huang, N.L., Lin, J.H., Wu, C.C., Wang, Y.R., Yu, Y.J., Gilson, M.K.*, and Chan, N.L.* (2018) Structural insights into the gating of DNA passage by the topoisomerase II DNA-gate. Nature Communications 9:3085. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05406-y.
- Wu, C.C.1, Baiga, T.J.1, Downes, M.1, La Clair, J.J., Atkins, A.R., Richard, S.B., Fan, W., Stockley-Noel, T.A., Bowman, M.E., Noel, J.P.*, and Evans, R.M.* (2017)
Structural basis for specific ligation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114:E2563-E2570. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1621513114.
(1These three authors contribute equally to this work) - Wang, Y.R., Chen, S.F., Wu, C.C., Liao, Y.W., Lin, T.S., Liu, K.T., Chen, Y.S., Li, T.K., Chien, T.C., and Chan, N.L.* (2017) Producing irreversible topoisomerase II-mediated DNA breaks by site-specific Pt(II)-methionine coordination chemistry. Nucleic Acids Research 45:10861-10871. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx742.
- Lin, J.L., Wu, C.C., Yang, W.Z., and Yuan, H.S.* (2016) Crystal structure of endonuclease G in complex with DNA reveals how it nonspecifically degrades DNA as a homodimer. Nucleic Acids Research 44:10480-10490. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw931.