余建泓 助理教授
Assistant Professor Chien-Hung Yu
English Main Page通訊地址: | 701 台南市大學路一號 |
連絡分機: | 5540(辦公室) 5525(實驗室) |
E-mail: | chienhung_yu@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
荷蘭萊頓大學 博士 (2011)

● 分子生物學
● 蛋白質轉譯
● 核醣核酸生物學
密碼子是將遺傳訊息傳遞到胺基酸以至於蛋白質的橋樑,也是分子生物學的中心法則的核心。絕大部分的胺基酸可以被兩個以上的同義密碼子表達,但是這些同義密碼子的使用頻率並不相同,我們稱這種現象為密碼子使用偏移。有趣的是,密碼子使用偏移存在於幾乎所有已知的基因體中,但是為什麼這種現象會在長久的演化過程中被保留下來,並不清楚。 我們之前的研究結果顯示,密碼子的使用偏移雖然不改變胺基酸的序列,卻可以調控蛋白質的摺疊以及調控信使核醣核酸與蛋白質的表達量。在臨床上,隨著定序技術的進步,越來越多的疾病也被發現是與序列中同義密碼子的突變有關。未來實驗室的研究將運用分子生物學、生物化學、遺傳學以及生物資訊學的方法,來探討為什麼密碼子使用偏移會影響基因表達的機制。也希望透過更深入了解密碼子使用偏移的機制,可以發展出治療同義密碼子突變相關疾病的方法。
- Ku, Y. C., Lin, P. H., Huang, C. Y., Lee, C. W., Yu, C.H., Chen, S. C. & Liu, W. M., (2023) An iminocoumarin based covalent-assembly red-emitting fluorescent probe for detection of β-galactosidase activity in ovarian cancer cells. Dyes and Pigments. 210, 111004.
- Chen, S. Y., Chen, K. L., Ding, L. Y., Yu, C.H., Wu, H. Y., Chou, Y. Y., Chang, C. J., Chang, C. H., Wu, Y. N., Wu, S. R., Hou, Y. C., Lee, C. T., Chen, P. C., Shan, Y. S. & Huang, P. H., (2022) RNA bisulfite sequencing reveals NSUN2-mediated suppression of epithelial differentiation in pancreatic cancer Oncogene. 41, 22, p. 3162-3176 15 p. [Abstract]
- Yang, T. H., Hsu, C. W., Wang, Y. X., Yu, C.H., Jagat, R., Tseng, Y. Y. & Wu, W. S., (2022) YMLA: A comparative platform to carry out functional enrichment analysis for multiple gene lists in yeast. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 151, 106314. [Abstract]
- Chen, S. C., Olsthoorn, R. C. L. and Yu, C.H., (2021) Structural phylogenetic analysis reveals lineage-specific RNA repetitive structural motifs in all coronaviruses and associated variations in SARS-CoV-2. Virus Evolution. 7, 1, veab021. [Abstract]
- Yang, Q., Yu, C.H., Zhao, F., Dang, Y., Wu, C., Xie, P., Sachs, M. S. and Liu, Y., (2019) eRF1 mediates codon usage effects on mRNA translation efficiency through premature termination at rare codons. Nucleic acids research. 47, 17, p. 9243-9258 16 p. [Abstract]
- Zhao, F., Yu, C.H., and Liu, Y., (2017) Codon usage regulates protein structure and function by affecting translation elongation speed in Drosophila cells Nucleic acids research. 45, 14, p. 8484-8492 9 p. [Abstract]
- Zhou, Z., Dang, Y., Zhou, M., Li, L., Yu, C.H., Fu, J., Chen, S., and Liu, Y., (2016) Codon usage is an important determinant of gene expression levels largely through its effects on transcription. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 113, E6117-E6125. [Abstract]
- Yu, C.H.*, Dang, Y.*, Zhou, Z*., Wu, C., Zhao, F., Sachs, M.S., and Liu, Y., (2015) Codon usage influences the local rate of translation elongation to regulate co-translational protein folding. Mol. Cell, 59, 744-754. (*co-first authors) (Cover article and highlighted in TIBS) [Abstract]
- Yu, C.H. and Olsthoorn, R.C., (2015) Monitoring ribosomal frameshifting as a platform to screen anti-riboswitch drug candidates. Methods Enzymol.,550, 385-393. [Abstract]
- Yu, C.H. and Olsthoorn, R.C., (2014) Stimulation of ribosomal frameshifting by RNA G-quadruplex structures. Nucleic Acids Res., 42, 1887-1892. [Abstract]
- Luo, J., Wärmländer, S.K., Yu, C.H., Muhammad, K., Gräslund, A., and Abrahams, J.P., (2014) The Aβ peptide forms non-amyloid fibrils in the presence of carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale., 6(12):6720-6. [Abstract]
- Luo, J., Otero, J.M., Yu, C.H., Wärmländer, S.K., Gräslund, A., Overhand, M., and Abrahams, J.P., (2013) Inhibiting and reversing amyloid-β peptide (1-40) fibril formation with gramicidin S and engineered analogues. Chemistry, 19, 17338-17348. [Abstract]
- Luo, J., Yu, C.H., Yu, H., Borstnar, R., Kamerlin, S.C., Gräslund, A., Abrahams, J.P., and Wärmländer, S.K., (2013) Cellular polyamines promote amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide fibrillation and modulate the aggregation pathways. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 4, 454-62. [Abstract]
- Yu, C.H. Luo J., Iwata-Reuyl, D., and Olsthoorn, R.C., (2013) Exploiting preQ1 riboswitches to regulate ribosomal frameshifting. ACS Chem. Biol., 8, 733-740. [Abstract]
- Yu, C.H., Noteborn, M.H., Pleij, C.W., and Olsthoorn, R.C., (2011) Stem-loop structures can effectively substitute for an RNA pseudoknot in -1 ribosomal frameshifting. Nucleic Acids Res., 39, 8952-8959. [Abstract]
- Yu, C.H., Noteborn, M.H., and Olsthoorn, R.C., (2010) Stimulation of ribosomal frameshifting by antisense LNA. Nucleic Acids Res., 38, 8277-8283. [Abstract]
- Lien, H.Y., Yu, C.H., Liou, C.M., and Wu, W.F., (2009) Regulation of clpQY (hslVU) Gene Expression in Escherichia coli. Open Microbiol. J., 3, 29-39. [Abstract]
- Lee, Y.Y., Chang, C.F., Kuo, C.L., Chen, M.C., Yu, C.H., Lin, P.I., and Wu, W.F., (2003) Subunit oligomerization and substrate recognition of the Escherichia coli ClpYQ (HslUV) protease implicated by in vivo protein-protein interactions in the yeast two-hybrid system. J. Bacteriol., 185, 2393-2401. [Abstract]